害怕泄露业务数据? 坐下来. 我们需要对数据管理和访问控制进行“讨论”

作者: 丽莎·利维
发表日期: 2023年8月8日

数据已经成为澳门赌场官方下载运营的命脉. 从决策到客户关系, 现代组织的每个方面都依赖于可用性, 数据的准确性和安全性.

然而, 随着对数据的日益依赖, the risk associated with data management and access control has become a growing concern. And “The Talk” about the importance of effective data management and access control in the prevention of data leaks is crucial.

防止泄漏需要的不仅仅是技术解决方案. 它需要一个全面的办法,包括:

  • 制定有效的政策
  • 执行严格的程序
  • 建立健全的做法1

This holistic approach ensures that data management and access control measures are integrated into every aspect of an organization's operations, 从而创建针对数据泄漏的强大防御.


数据泄露可能对组织产生深远的影响. 由于监管罚款,它们可能导致重大的经济损失, litigation costs and the expenses associated with mitigating the leak and recovering lost data. 超越经济损失, 数据泄露还可能导致客户信任的流失, which can be devastating—especially for those organizations that rely heavily on customer relationships and loyalty.

一个臭名昭著的例子是2017年Equifax数据泄露事件, 哪件事泄露了1.47亿人的个人信息. 这一违规行为导致了高达7亿美元的和解, 这个数字不仅反映了有形的损失, 也对Equifax的声誉造成了无形的损害.2 The breach eroded public trust in the company and raised serious questions about its data management and access control measures.


数据管理是一个涉及收集的综合过程, 存储, 保护, 数据的处理和处置. 健壮的数据管理策略可确保可用性, 数据的准确性和安全性, 促进知情决策, 高效的业务运作, 并符合相关法律法规要求, 进一步强调了其在当今数据驱动的商业环境中的重要性.

数据管理的核心是需要维护数据的完整性.3 This involves ensuring that data are accurate, consistent and reliable throughout their life cycle. 维护数据完整性需要严格的数据验证流程, 有效的错误检测和纠正方法, 以及强大的备份和恢复系统. 这些措施有助于防止数据损坏, 遗失或擅自修改, 从而确保数据保持可靠和有用.

数据管理的另一个关键方面是数据隐私.4 随着数字时代个人数据的激增, organizations must take steps to protect the privacy of the individuals whose data they handle. 这涉及实施严格的数据安全措施, 遵守数据保护法律,建立透明的数据隐私政策.


访问控制措施是数据管理的重要组成部分. They determine the levels of access control—who has the right to access specific data and what actions they can take with them5 These measures can be as simple as password-protected files or as complex as biometric authentication systems. 不管它们有多复杂, 访问控制措施的主要目标是防止对数据的未经授权的访问, 从而保护他们免受滥用或盗窃.

Implementing effective access control measures requires a clear understanding of the principle of least privilege. This principle stipulates that individuals should have the minimum levels of access necessary to perform their job functions. Limiting access to sensitive data using the principle of least privilege reduces the risk of data breaches, 无论是出于恶意还是无意的错误.6

除了最小特权原则, 基于角色的访问控制(RBAC)是另一个重要概念. 在RBAC, 访问权限基于组织内各个用户的角色, 这些权限可以很容易地管理和跟踪. 这种方法不仅增强了安全性, 同时也简化了访问控制管理, 尤其是在大型组织中.

Implementing a robust data classification and handling system requires a thorough understanding of the data an organization possesses, 它运作的监管环境, 以及它所面临的潜在威胁.


Data classification involves categorizing data based on its sensitivity and the impact its disclosure can have on an organization. Typical data categories include public, internal, confidential and highly sensitive data. Data classification is a critical first step in data management because it dictates how different types of data should be handled and protected.

数据处理是指用来处理数据的方法和程序, Store, 检索和处理数据. 这些方法和程序应根据数据的分类来决定. 例如, 高度敏感的数据可能在静态和传输过程中都需要加密, 严格的访问控制措施和安全的处置方法.

Implementing a robust data classification and handling system requires a thorough understanding of the data an organization possesses, 它所处的监管环境及其面临的潜在威胁. This system forms the foundation of an organization's data management strategy and plays a crucial role in preventing data leaks.


Securing data at rest and in transit are critical aspects of data management and access control.

处于静止状态的数据容易受到未经授权访问等威胁, 数据损坏或物理窃取存储设备. 保护静态数据, 组织可以使用各种安全措施, 包括加密, 访问控制机制和物理安全控制. Regular audits and monitoring can also help detect any unauthorized access attempts or changes to the data.

传输中的数据容易被截获或篡改. 保护传输中的数据, 组织可以使用加密, 安全网络协议和安全文件传输方法. It is also important to monitor network traffic for any unusual activity that could indicate a data breach.


Choosing the right tools and technologies for data management and access control is a complex task that hinges on several considerations:

  • Scalability is crucial to ensure that the selected solutions can handle the growth of the organization and the corresponding increase in data volumes.
  • 兼容性确保了这些工具可以无缝地与现有系统集成, 从而提高效率并尽量减少干扰.
  • 用户友好性对于用户采用和有效利用工具至关重要.
  • Security features should be at the forefront as these tools are tasked with protecting sensitive data and controlling access to it.

做出明智的选择, 对不同的工具和技术进行全面的评估和比较是必不可少的. This process begins with extensive market research to identify potential solutions and understand their capabilities and limitations. Requesting demos allows for a firsthand experience of how the tools function and their compatibility with systems. Peer reviews and recommendations should also be taken into account because they provide unbiased insights into the performance and reliability of the tools based on real-world experiences.

It is important to remember that the best tool or technology is not necessarily the most expensive or the one with the most features. 而不是, 它应该是与组织的特定业务需求最一致的, 运营环境和预算限制. This requires a comprehensive understanding of the organization’s requirements and a balanced consideration of all the factors discussed herein.


员工教育在有效的数据管理和访问控制中起着关键作用. 人为错误是导致数据泄露的常见原因. Reducing it through training can significantly enhance an organization’s data security posture. It also equips employees with the knowledge and skills required to respond promptly and appropriately to data breaches, 从而最大限度地减少其影响.

Regular and comprehensive training programs are integral to maintaining a high level of data security.7 这些课程应该涵盖广泛的主题, 包括识别网络钓鱼企图, 使用强密码并报告可疑活动. This continuous learning approach ensures that employees stay up to date on the latest threats and best practices in data management and access control.

创造一种安全意识文化不仅仅是提供培训. 它还包括促进关于数据安全问题的公开沟通, 奖励安全行为,以身作则. This not only encourages employees to take data security seriously but also makes it a collective responsibility. 在数据安全领域,每个人都是利益相关者.


Effective data management and access control are essential components of a robust data security strategy. From understanding the landscape and defining a strategy to implementing policies and procedures, 选择合适的工具和技术,培训员工, 每个步骤都在保护数据方面发挥作用.

Although the task may seem daunting, there are numerous resources available to use as guidance. 具有全面的数据管理和访问控制方法, 组织不仅可以履行其法律和道德义务, 同时也获得了客户和利益相关者的信任.

实现有效的数据管理和访问控制是一个持续的过程, 需要定期检查和改进. 但如果策略正确, 工具和文化, 这一挑战可以转化为战略优势, 使组织能够在当今数据驱动的世界中茁壮成长.


1 拉马钱德兰R.; “网络安全科学及其未来的挑战,” ISACA® 现在, 2023年4月28日
2 美国联邦贸易委员会,"Equifax支付5.75亿美元作为与联邦贸易委员会和解的一部分, CFPB, 以及与2017年数据泄露相关的州2019年7月22日
3 Gelbstein E.; “数据完整性与信息安全的不良关系,” ISACA® 杂志,卷. 6, 2011
4 卡迈克尔,M.; “数据隐私和数据安全的区别,” ISACA澳门赌场官方软件, 2023年2月28日
5 开悟。”访问控制:基本指南
6 麦高文,C.; “五角大楼泄密案显示内部威胁仍然存在,” ISACA现在, 2023年4月25日
7 Sathyanarayanan K.; “安全意识培训:组织成功的关键因素,《澳门赌场官方软件》,2023年3月31日


是数据安全平台Satori的内容专家吗. She has published several books, white papers and articles across a diverse collection of topics.